Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Update on Life

Man, what a month it's been! I can't believe how time flies by and how quickly the end of the month seems to appear. This has been a crazy whirlwind of a month with work...last month I applied for a new position at Platinum and started as the HR Manger the first of February. It's been a crazy ride learning everything for the past month, but I'm so excited for the challenges and to have something more fulfilling to do.

The kids seem to be growing like weeds. Collin is growing out of every pair of pants...lengthwise of course. He's extremely smart and LOVES to read on his own. We had an "incident" last week with some scissors...Collin decided to trim his hair, Eden's hair and the strings on the blinds. It was traumatic for me, but after 2 hair cuts, they both look normal. The blinds didn't fare as well, and will have to be replaced once I can afford it. I had my first parent/teacher conference for him this past month was so touched by what his teacher said. He's a pretty loving kid, but she mentioned that he goes out of his way to make this one little girl feel accepted and loved - she's apparently a little different and shy - and he makes sure she's always involved. Mrs. Jensen also said he's extremely bright at math, and reads more like a 1st grader, than a kindergartener. Yeah, I'm kind of a proud mom.

Eden is just as stubborn and loving as ever. We have to help her understand that she can't kiss everyone on the lips. She is in the "no" phase for everything, and loves to dance. We are trying to teach her about the "potty" and even bought her her very own princess potty. But she just likes to sit on it and watch Spongebob. She loves to color everything (walls, cupboards, her face) and it's a struggle to get her to stop. I want her to feel creative, but man I hate getting crayon off the walls! She loves her blankie, popsicles, and nursery...probably in that order too!

As for me, just working. And trying new recipes. And new sewing patterns. Maybe someday I'll get a vacation!


angie j. said...

i'd love to join you on that vacation!!! your kids are adorable. love you.

The Clarks said...

i love seeing pictures of these two! we miss you guys so bad. i loved the updates on you all too. hallie colored all over our bathroom towels today. - the first time she's done anything like that!! ah! sadly the wonderous magic eraser (that you introduced me to!) doesn't work on towels. ha ha. love you guys!

Kari said...

Wow, that's a scary binky Eden has there! =) Congratulations on the new position at work. Hope it goes well. Sounds like Collin's one special kid. Love you guys. Thanks for the updates!

Leonard Petersen said...

I know you are busy and couldn't be anything but tired most of the time, but we appreciate the time you put into this blog.

We'll be cheering for you in your new position!!! Hope that is a great developmental experience for you.