Thursday, December 1, 2011

trying to get better

i'm hoping that the craziness has subsided. i'm hoping that i can see straight. i'm hoping i can get some rest. the last few month have been chaotic to say the least, but i wouldn't change it for the world. i need to catch up on many many months of blogging to preserve all the wonderful memories that have happened over the last 8 months or so.

after eden broke her leg, we were pretty much home bound for 6 weeks or so. it was difficult to transport her around and she was pretty uncomfortable in most strollers. and her trusty wagon was too big to get in the car. we spent a lot of time outside at parks, on walks, at grandma's, and blowing bubbles. she was such a good sport. although learning how to walk again was a little challenge, she now at 4 months later, has zero evidence it even happened. modern medicine is a miracle.

we did get to take her to the balloon festival in provo, which she thoroughly enjoyed. we also did fiesta days in good 'ole spanish fork and she loved that too! the only thing i think she missed was swimming, which we promptly did the night she got her cast off.

i'll be back posting some fun things we did do this summer, the engagement, and of course the wedding. i need to post all the little details before i forget them!

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