we did another awesome garden again this year. we had lots of peas, green beans, zucchini, squash, tomatoes, and beautiful raspberries. john helped a lot with the picking, and i helped with cooking it all!
Thursday, December 1, 2011
collin with the camera...
the start of summer
may brought us the end of collin's first year of school in kindergarten. he loved every minute of school and cried when he realized that he wouldn't see his friends or mrs. jensen every day.
with the summer brought his first season of T-ball. he was the oldest kid on the team, and definitely the fastest. he really enjoyed it, and as much convincing as i could, he is still adamant that he doesn't want to play soccer. we will see who wins come spring.
trying to get better
i'm hoping that the craziness has subsided. i'm hoping that i can see straight. i'm hoping i can get some rest. the last few month have been chaotic to say the least, but i wouldn't change it for the world. i need to catch up on many many months of blogging to preserve all the wonderful memories that have happened over the last 8 months or so.
after eden broke her leg, we were pretty much home bound for 6 weeks or so. it was difficult to transport her around and she was pretty uncomfortable in most strollers. and her trusty wagon was too big to get in the car. we spent a lot of time outside at parks, on walks, at grandma's, and blowing bubbles. she was such a good sport. although learning how to walk again was a little challenge, she now at 4 months later, has zero evidence it even happened. modern medicine is a miracle.
we did get to take her to the balloon festival in provo, which she thoroughly enjoyed. we also did fiesta days in good 'ole spanish fork and she loved that too! the only thing i think she missed was swimming, which we promptly did the night she got her cast off.
i'll be back posting some fun things we did do this summer, the engagement, and of course the wedding. i need to post all the little details before i forget them!

Friday, July 1, 2011
and so it begins...
as most of you all know by now, our little eden broke her femur back in june. she was at home, just watching some Elmo on the TV in my bedroom. we think she was laying on her back, with her feet up on the TV stand and was rocking it with her feet. the TV came crashing down, (it weighs close to 100 lbs) and landed right on her thigh - and crushing her femur. the hardest bone in the body to break, and apparently also the most painful.
we were rushed to primary children's hospital after receiving some x-rays in orem. we were bracing for the worst, but it turned out better than expected. we knew she would have to have surgery to re-set the bone, but thankfully her pediatric orthopaedic surgeon was incredible and did what they call a "closed reduction surgery." they put her out under general anesthesia and push and jam the bone back together without having to actually cut her open. she spent 6 weeks in her "spica cast" which was awful. the smell was unbearable, but she was such a trooper.
thankfully she healed perfectly. we go back in March and then again in June and we are done!
Friday, April 29, 2011
the kids were so excited this year for easter. collin was up really early looking for his basket and eden's too! after hearing the comotion, eden woke up and found her basket right away. rather than being interested in what was in the basket, she just wanted to put on her new chapstick! she got 5 DORA chapsticks in a little tin and was just on cloud 9! she also got a bubble gun that spouted out hundreds of bubbles...which was the hit of the basket. collin got some new Mario pj's, some flipflops, bubbles, and the game "Sleeping Queens" which was his favorite. here are some photos from easter morning, and easter Sunday...which we spent at my mom's house!
Monday, April 4, 2011
i love this kid...
i came home from work on friday, and this is what i found. c stumbled upon these plastic glasses (sans the lenses of course), complete with black duct tape on the sides. he wore them all day apparently, and continued to wear them to dinner, to jiffy lube, and to the grocery store.
simple pleasures in life. he makes me laugh. he makes me smile. he makes me frus-ter-ated (which is how he pronounces it). he challenges me. he takes care of me. he's sensitive. he melts my heart daily. he makes life worth while.
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